Can anyone tell me smth more about working as housekeeper in this resort?
Is this a tipping postion or?
Pls share some experiance with me.
Samoset resort on the Ocean, Rockport
The Samoset is one of the nicest resort hotels in Maine. Rooms go for premium prices and are most likely rented by folks who are accustomed to tipping. This is a high-end place with a nice golf course, tennis courts, possibly an indoor pool, gym, etc. It%26#39;s the kind of place where you%26#39;d go as a tourist if you like to be pampered.
Some of the rooms are condominiums and I%26#39;m not sure what the tipping customs are with condos.
Have you asked the folks who would be hiring you about tipping customs?
Samoset resort on the Ocean, Rockport
Well they say that tipping is customer%26#39;s choice, u know...
Also they offer housing for 150 dolars per month which is not much I guess...We%26#39;ll be 4 girls who suppose to work there as housekeepers but I still havent decided if I want to work there...
How about the life overthere..
Is it quiet place and how far is from the malls, other restaurants, shops etc...
Also do u think that whole this economy cituation will reflect on the bussiness in the Resort?
And also about the cost of living overthere?
Too much questions, I know..
But I will be very happy if someone answer whole this..
Thank uuuu
You might tell us what your other options are so we can try to compare Rockport to the other areas you are considering.
Rockport is between Camden and Rockland, two very popular summer destinations. In the past that area has drawn lots of summer visitors. I don%26#39;t know what next summer will be like, but I would try to get some sort of agreement that if you travel all the way to Maine that they will guarantee you a certain period of employment or refund your travel costs.
Maine is a very pretty, and VERY safe place to live and work. It%26#39;s one of the safest areas in all the USA. So, you won%26#39;t have to worry about your personal safety.
Generally, the population is relatively small; it won%26#39;t be like living in a big city, it will be more like a small town. Relatively quiet, more relaxed and slower pace than being in a large city. Should be easy for a stranger to learn your way around fairly quickly.
If they offer housing for $150 a month that sounds like a great deal. It would likely be very costly to rent something on your own; in the summer tourists are renting houses to be near the ocean, and that usually drives the rates up.
There are no malls in or near Rockport, the nearest true mall is over an hour and a half away. But there are shopping centers and stores. Chain stores like Wal-Mart, chain restaurants like McDonolds, Burger King, etc, and lots of locally owned stores and restaurants.
The Samoset is located directly on the ocean away from the area where the stores and restaurants are; it will not be easy walking distance to stores and restaurants, but if you had a bicycle, that would help. I don%26#39;t know if there is a bus that serves the Samoset; you should ask them if a bus takes tourists into town.
Have you looked at their web site? The photos there are accurate.
Michele has already given you a lot of good information. To add to what she has said:
1. You asked about the effect of the economy on resorts like the Samoset. That particular resort has not gone untouched this winter. It even closed its restaurant for a while. Its summer business should be better, especially as it offers a chance to golf near the water on a well-liked course.
2. It is not unusual for resorts, restaurants, hotels, etc. to hire people from other countries and provide housing. We live near Kennebunkport and travel often to the Boothbay Harbor area in the summer. There are many foreign workers in the service area, and almost all have housing opportunities provided for them. Most look OK.
3. I assume your housekeeping duties would be mostly for the main resort, but I would definitely ask about the condos. I have stayed in both. Maintenance fees are paid to use the condos, so tipping might be handled differently.
It looks like you are considering a restaurant in addition to the Samoset. You might ask each place what you could reasonably expect to average each day at each place in tips.
I%26#39;m guessing that in the US folks are much more likely to tip at a meal than at a hotel. I regularly tip at restaurants, and I regularly tip about 20%, but I don%26#39;t regularly tip at hotels (but then again, I don%26#39;t typically stay at high-end places like the Samoset).
I would strongly advise against it, Ana. You will work long hours either in the hot, stuffy laundry room or in the hotel cleaning rooms. You%26#39;ll be given all the jobs and all the shifts that the regular staff refuses to do. For your 150/month you%26#39;ll be living in a rundown, crowded house almost a mile from the hotel, and be expected to walk to and from work, sometimes very late at night. Maine may (or may not) be a very safe place to live, but not all of the hotel guests or employees are from Maine. Don%26#39;t be deceived by that safety comment. Your tips will be negligible - if you make 50/day you%26#39;ll be doing better than most housekeepers. Not to worry though, there aren%26#39;t many places to spend it anyway, and you%26#39;ll be so tired at the end of your 12 hour day you won%26#39;t want to walk the 5 miles into Rockland either. You%26#39;ll be disrespected by just about everyone on the management staff, with one or two exceptions, but that won%26#39;t matter, you%26#39;ll be treated like cattle - they%26#39;ll stuff that little house full of unsuspecting women just like you, without even telling you when you%26#39;ll be getting new roommates.You%26#39;ll just come home from another marathon 12 hour shift, probably the 6th or 7th in a row, hoping for a nice quiet evening before you%26#39;re required to walk back to work at 5am, only to find 2 more roommates have been dumped on you.Don%26#39;t do it!
Geez Bunnybob, please tell us how you REALLY feel!
I think I just did. All true, too.
And by the way, the photographs on the website are FAR from accurate. They were staged - linens used are not the real ones, furniture not the same,etc. Even the pool on the front page is shown as finished, but it ain%26#39;t.