Monday, March 26, 2012

Bangor in April

Hi! My husband %26amp; I will be in Bangor for the week after Easter. We were wondering what the temperature will be like. Also we are thinking of moving to the Bangor area and would like some suggestions for neighboorhoods/areas to check out. Thanks!!

Bangor in April

Hi Sickofbklyn,

I don%26#39;t know the area well, but wanted to bump this up since your post hasn%26#39;t gotten any responses.


Bangor in April

Weather in April %26amp; October are complete crap shoots. It can snow, or it can be 70. Often it does both. Sorry. Such is our lovely temperate climate- you must be ready for everything all the time.

As far as neighborhoods... IN Bangor itself... I like the Fairmount /teen streets area. Another is the tree streets. Although I%26#39;m not familiar with them specifically, there is a commaraderie (sorry I can%26#39;t spel... or type) between those that live in Little City %26amp; Bangor Gardens. If I was moving to bangor, my choice would be Fairmount.

Outside of Bangor... Orono is a ';college'; town although it%26#39;s really a ';University';. Some very nice older homes and some run down crappy ones(typically rented to students) and some newer homes on the outskirts; also has a small boundary with Pushaw Lake and has many homes on the lake (although considerably outside of town) Old Town is similiar but substantially larger in area and not really a college town atmosphere regarding the ';downtown';.

Glenburn (agric, %26amp; borders Pushaw also) Hermon spacious, good schools, lots of large homes from the recent houseing crush; Brewer- smaller version of Bangor with it%26#39;s own personality- sits across river from Bangor (3 connecting bridges within a mile and a half). Both bangor and Brewer have /planning newer townhouse/condo (upper scale) for along the river living.

Those are some very cursary thoughts. A good realtor can fill you in more. I suggest Gary Eastman at Town %26amp; Country in Bangor. I%26#39;ve known him since I was 13 and he%26#39;s handled all my transactions. Very Very Very reliable, consistent, ethical and crazy fun!

Hampden (immediately to the south of Bangor) is also a very desirable area with a lot of lovely old homes.

I lived in and loved Orono, but I lived near the southern part of town, away from the University and away from the areas where students tended to rent-- my neighborhood was very quiet and family-oriented. The University has a nice trail system and the town of Orono has an extensive land trust with a huge network of trails where I walked my dog every day. If you like to get out and walk, Orono is your town.

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