Monday, March 26, 2012

acadia to white route through Bangor???

I posted this in the Maine forum, but haven%26#39;t got a response yet, so I will try here :)

My husband and I will be staying in Acadia for several days and then driving to the White Mountain National forest. We are trying to figure out the best route. We thought about driving up to Bangor and then across the state using Highway 2. We want to find a scenic route. Is this a good route or should we consider doing something else?

If this is a good option then what are some good stopping points?

Thanks so much!

acadia to white route through Bangor???

Yes. Route 2 is very scenic. The road can be bumpy windy and turny, but personnally I find that to be the best roads. Depending on the day and time of year it can be a little tricky driving but not unmanagable. You%26#39;ll go through some great little maine towns. Don%26#39;t be afraid to stop for lunch at some of the roadside haunts %26amp; store lunch counters. SOme of those are the best. Certainly not ';foodie upscale'; but dang good!

I prefer Rt 2 or the other round about routes as compared to the highway and then shooting north.

Have fun!

acadia to white route through Bangor???

Awesome! Thank you. We will be there mid-June so I don%26#39;t think we will have any problems!

We made this trip in 2005. We did take Highway 2 and stopped/stayed in Bethel. I don%26#39;t remember how long it took, but we left Bar Harbor in the morning, and arrived in Bethel mid-late afternoon. If you have the time....take Rte 26 north around Newry. It%26#39;s beautiful!!! I think the river up ther is called the Sunday river. We saw covered bridges, and the most beautiful scenery. We went looking for Screw Auger falls, but never found it. I don%26#39;t think we drove far enough north.

Good luck and happy planning

We travel thru Bangor on our way to the white mountains every year. We like to take 95 south down as far as Grey, which is exit 63 and follow the 302 across through Windham, Raymond, Bridgton. It takes you thru some really pretty little towns with nice scenery (Lake Sebago)but the roads are still good. There are some cute little antique shops if interested along the way too. We took Rte 2 once but found it very long and winding.

I%26#39;d recommend the last poster%26#39;s route, getting yourself to 302. I agree that Route 2 is long and winding. I disagree that it is all that scenic.

You don%26#39;t say ';when'; you%26#39;ll be making this trip, but that may make a difference in your ';best'; route. From mid-June through early September, the southern route through Gray and US 302 will take you through the heart of the southern ';lakes'; region....lots of summer tourist traffic.... Regardless of the time of year, traffic on US 2 will be lighter, making it easier to enjoy the ';real Maine'; along the way. Both US 302 and US 2 have sections that are ';not so scenic'; -- on 302 they%26#39;re built-up areas of strip malls (in and around Windham) and a commercial area around Long Lake in Naples.... On 302, they%26#39;re lots of woods and some farmland. On the other hand, both also offer some very scenic sections with views across the forests or farms to mountains beyond. If you%26#39;re not in a hurry and want to see more of rural Maine, take US 2. If you%26#39;re looking for better roads (more paved shoulders, probably smoother ride in some places) and don%26#39;t mind extra traffic, 302 may be your best bet.

Thank you everyone for your suggestions...they are greatly appreciated. We are weighing the idea of going to Greenville and visiting Moosehead lake for a couple of RT. 2 is the way we are planning to go. We are also staying in Bethel and going to Grafton Notch and visiting Screw auger falls. I%26#39;m so excited and can%26#39;t wait to experience Maine!

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