We%26#39;re considering a rental in Machiasport, Maine in July. We love Maine and have been to Acadia and Boothbay, Kennebunk and York many times.
What are Machias/ Machiasport like? We really don%26#39;t want to do more than relax, read, eat, and walk on the coastline. But it would be nice to have a day or two of sightseeing and/or shopping within a reasonable distance. Are there any restaurants/ lobster pounds or nearby activities? How long a drive from Acadia and other interesting sights? Thanks!
Info about Downeast region/Machiasport?
Well, as the response indicates, there isn%26#39;t a whole lot there. If you want to relax read etc. Then it would be a good fit. There really isn%26#39;t too much in the way of shopping as you would find in a city, though there are some interesting artists and such. Lobster shouldn%26#39;t be a problem or seafood. Again there are not a lot of upscale/gourmet places Downeast, but simple fresh food can be found just about everywhere. Lots of places to go sightseeing though, thats the best part about downeast maine, is that there is beautiful scenery everywhere. And you won%26#39;t have the same number of tourists as the other places you have mentioned.
Info about Downeast region/Machiasport?
From that area, you will be about 30 miles from Lubec, ME, and Campobello, NB, both of which are interesting areas. The two Quoddy lighthouses---West Quoddy near Lubec and East Quoddy on Campobello, are worth a visit. Also, Roque Bluffs State Park will be just south of you; see
Acadia National Park is about a 1.5 hour drive; a little closer is Schoodic Point, another part of the park, that is very scenic.
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