I have been researching and trying to find a great deal for a beach rental house/condo or a house close to the beach in Old Orchard for July or Aug. this year. My husband is from Maine, and we would like to stay at our own place while visiting his family this summer for a week. The rates seem so high! Does anyone know of someone who could help us in our search., real estate agent., negotiate a better deal or is this really unheard of? I realize the economy is bad, so I was hoping to find a good deal this year. I%26#39;m not interested in a hotel/motel. We are wanting two bedrooms/a fairly nice place--doesn%26#39;t have to be top of the line, but I also am not interested in a dive and would like an area to entertain (small yard or patio) so we can have a large amount of family members over. We also have a five year old. Thanks so much for your help. Looking forward to that Maine lobster!!!
Help with house rental/beach rental in Old Orchard July '09
You can try www.a1vacations.com.They have alot of listings for rentals for condos,cottages.Good luck!
Help with house rental/beach rental in Old Orchard July '09
Thats a1vacations.com
What is expensive to you? A decent hotel or motel would cost well over a thousand, and you%26#39;re looking for a private rental. OOB is not a year-round vacation spot. Those who have rentals (and the hotels/motels) have a very short season in which to pay the bills. I did some looking on the Vacation Rentals By Owner site, and most places already have reservations filled for July and August. I don%26#39;t think the economy will affect them that much. You could possibly contact an owner of a listing, if you found availablity, and make an offer. The worst they could do is say no!
Here%26#39;s another link to lodging possibilities in OOB:
While the economy may be bad, property taxes and most mortgages haven%26#39;t dropped, so property owners still need to clear expenses.
You can also check the nearby areas: Ocean Park, Camp Ellis, Bay View, etc.
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