Friday, March 30, 2012

Winter Harbor Lodging

Can anyone tell me about the lodging in Winter Harbor. We will be visiting for 2 days and would like to stay locally. From what I%26#39;ve searched there aren%26#39;t too many options in Winter Harbor. Any info will be appreciated. Thanks.

Winter Harbor Lodging

I don%26#39;t know about any lodging places, but there was a similar post about a week ago and several people wrote in to offer some lodging advice. I%26#39;d scroll down the forum to see if you could locate it.

Winter Harbor Lodging

Thank you for your reply. My daughter will be attending the Schoodic Education and Research Center in Winter Harbor for the week. We will be joining her on her last day and wanted to stay in the area for a day or two. I could not find the posts you mentioned. Only some from last year and not much info to go on. Are there any other places in the Schoodic pennisula area besided Winter Harbor that I could check? Thanks again.


and click on the area (s) in which you are interested.

Also, the past thread to which lovingbarharbor referred can be accessed at:

If you want to know more about what%26#39;s been said about the area, use the search window at the top of the page and search on %26lt;schoodic%26gt;.

Hello and try This is the web site for the Schoodic area, including Winter Harbor and there seems to be a bunch of choices. Schoodic is beautiful - have a great trip.

Thank you all. I did look on those websites and found some info. Main Stay Inn %26amp; Cottages in Winter Harbor, sent an email to the hosts. Also found somethings in Prospect Harbor and Gouldsboro. Looking forward to the Lobster Festival! Hope to see you there!


I%26#39;ve stayed at Elsa%26#39;s in Prospect Harbor and absolutely loved it. The accomodations were comfy and very homey, the breakfasts great, the Innkeeper wonderful and the location can%26#39;t be beat. It sits across the street from the harbor with nice views and is only a 5 to 10 minute drive to the Winter Harbor and the Schoodic loop. The Inn also has cable tv and private baths and the price is decent.

I%26#39;d stay there again in a heartbeat. Check it out!


Thank you again. You have been most helpful.

Elsa%26#39;s in Prospect Harbor is a great choice and just 3 miles from Winter Harbor. A B%26amp;B with views of a working fishing harbor.

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