Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Best Scenic Drive getting to B.H

Hi there,

If we were to leave Mass and come into Maine what would be a nice drive up to Bar Harbour? I know that I had seen one on a forum somewhere but I never saved it. Silly me. I have heard that stopping at a place called Marginal Way is very nice.We would not want to stop at every little place but nice ocean views, a cute town and generally great scenery are waht I am asking about.

We do not mind doing some really nice views and then taking the freeway for part of the drive also since we don%26#39;t want to make the drive toooo long.

Also, what is the closest international airport to Bar Harbour?

Thank you all for your help!

Best Scenic Drive getting to B.H


The Marginal Way is in the town of Ogunquit, much further south of Bar Harbor. Its a lovely walk along a bluff overlooking the ocean to the east and lovely homes to the west. Ogunquit itself has a beautiful, sandy beach and a nice downtown area.

If you%26#39;re that far south, you might want to check out Portland Head Light which offers stunning views out to sea and also the shipping lanes to Portland.

Driving further north without getting off of route 1, will eventually bring you to the Rockland and Camden areas. Just off of route 1 in Rockland is the Breakwater Light which offers an almost mile long jetty which you can walk out on, to get to the lighthouse. You%26#39;ll feel like you%26#39;re in the middle of Penobscot Bay and the views are beautiful.

Just a bit further north of Rockland is Camden where the mountains meet the sea. In the downtown area is a lovely, small harborfront park with grass, benches and pathways down to the sea. Just north of downtown Camden is Mt. Battie where you can drive to the top and enjoy panoramic 360 degree vistas of open ocean, islands, villages, mountains and lakes.

These are just a few of the sites you might enjoy that aren%26#39;t too far off the beaten path heading from the south and then north to Bar Harbor.

Good luck and enjoy your trip :).


Best Scenic Drive getting to B.H

There is a small airport in Trenton (the town next to Bar Harbor) where you can connect to Boston. Next closest is Bangor, then Portland, then Manchester NH, then Boston.

Thank you for your quick reply.

Yes, we would be much further south of Bar Harbour because we would be coming up there from Rockport Mass so we have a long way to go. :)

Great tips!

If you are doing it in 1 day I would recommend taking Rt 95 all the way to Portland...stop at Two Lights State Park (or the Lobster Shack for lunch), swing over to Portland Head Light and then get on 295 North until you hit Freeport (LL Bean). Rt 1 North from there. There are lovely towns to see (Camden, Rockport, Rockland) plus you%26#39;ll hit the Penobscot Narrows Bridge and Fort Know. The ride to the top of the bridge is amazing. From there just go into Ellsworth and over to BH. If you have 2 days I would get onto Rt 1 just after you come into Maine and zig-zag your way up through Ogunquit, Wells Beach and Kennebunkport. We%26#39;ve found by just having a good map and a willingness to explore we%26#39;ve discovered wonderful places just off the beaten path.

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