Monday, March 26, 2012

Deer Isle vs Southwest Harbor or Schoodic Peninsula

We will have 6 nights after visitng Monhegan. We have been to Acadia berore and know it is lovely and are wondering if Schoodic Peninsula or Deer Isle would be as good choices. We are into scenery and photograph and easy hiking. Any thoughts would be appreciated

Deer Isle vs Southwest Harbor or Schoodic Peninsula

Both are beautiful areas with a lot of scenic photo opportunities. Schoodic Point is part of Acadia National Park. There is lodging on the peninsula, including places in Prospect Harbor and Winter Harbor.

I%26#39;m not as familiar with Deer Isle; Stonington is very picturesque.

My guess is that there are more easy hiking opportunities on Schoodic.

During the season, there now is an Island Explorer free shuttle on Schoodic that ties in with the passenger ferry service between Bar Harbor and Winter Harbor; see:

for shuttle information and ferry

for the ferry information.

Deer Isle vs Southwest Harbor or Schoodic Peninsula

That url I gave for the ferry doesn%26#39;t work well; here is the tinyurl:

My husband and I vacationed on Deer Isle two years ago. It is a charming , quiet island community with many things to do and some nice restaurants. If you like nature, there are beautiful parks (there was a walk on small islands connected by a sand bar that was especially nice-can%26#39;t remember the name of the park). There are many artists on the island and we spent a day driving from gallery to gallery. We also took the ferry to Machias Seal Island to see the puffins.

If I had six days and my two choices were Schoodic and Deer Isle, I%26#39;d pick Deer Isle. There is more for you to do there than Schoodic unless you really want to get away from it all and/or want to entertain yourself for long periods of time painting, drawing, etc. Or, if you plan to use it as a base for taking day trips out to areas in Washington Country.

But, if I were picking between Southwest, Schoodic and Deer Isle, I%26#39;d pick SWH unless you feel like you%26#39;ve done everything you want to do in Acadia and just want a different experience.

Do you have to do all six days in the same place? How about two in Deer Isle and four back on Mount Desert Island?

From Stonington (Deer Isle) you could take a ferry out to Isle au Haut. That%26#39;s something I%26#39;ve always wanted to do.

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