Friday, March 30, 2012

Maine coastal house rentals

Hi there,

I%26#39;m looking to rent a house in July for two weeks on the coast and am wondering if anyone has a good recommendation for a realtor who can help me narrow my options. Or a good site would be helpful! Google search gives too many options, would like to narrow it down to something that comes recommended...

thanks in advance,


Maine coastal house rentals

There are lots of options on also try My wife and I have vacationed in coastal Maine (on 3 occasions over the past 2 years and we intend to go again in September. We use Freeport as our base and rent a lovely cottage on Bow street just 2 block%26#39;s from LL Beans. unfortunately the cottage is booked through July.

Hope this info is helpful




Maine coastal house rentals

It%26#39;s a big coast, so it would be helpful if you were able to narrow it down to an area you%26#39;d like to stay in. There%26#39;s lots of discussions here about the different aspects of South Coast, Mid-Coast, Mount Desert Island (and Acadia NP), etc. is a very comprehensive site, but returns too many properties unless you limit it to a smaller region. For example, this island off the coast of Portland:鈥eaks-island

I had never heard of Peak%26#39;s Island - thanks Maineah - might just stay there this summer!

Peaks is just one of several islands a lovely ferry ride from Portland. It happens to be the most populated one, thus more stuff like restaurants, but they each have unique charm.

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