Friday, April 13, 2012

Bar Harbor to Wildwood NJ

We are planning a trip to Bar Harbor, Maine in the summer. I would like to drive from there to Wildwood, New Jersey, but I don%26#39;t know what we should do/see on the way. Does anyone have some suggestions? I am not a big city person, and would prefer to skip Boston.

Bar Harbor to Wildwood NJ

I think that it would help those who might reply if:

(1) we knew how (by what route, etc.) you were arriving in Bar Harbor, and

(2) how much time you have budgeted for the trip from Bar Harbor to NJ.

Bar Harbor to Wildwood NJ

FYI: Wildwood CREST (the next town south) is much more family-friendly than Wildwood itself. I%26#39;ve been to both Bar Harbor and Wildwood Crest many times over the years and would choose BH over WC any day!

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