Hi, Me again. I am hooked on this site and have gotten some excellent input. I will be in Boothbay Harbor on October 20th and would love to take some sort of harbor tour. I have found a tour that takes you onto a lobster boat as they pick up traps measure lobsters etc. This sounds great. Has anyone ever done this? Which ones and how can I get in contact with them. Also I am excited to photograph lighthouses and Maine color should there be any left by then. Your input would be great. Also is there anyone who has taken another type of fabulous tour?? Looking forward to your input. Semitegal
Harbor and lobster tours???!!!
we will be at booth bay at the same time, and also want to do some of the same things you mentioned.
looking forward to the info for sure. cant wait !!
Harbor and lobster tours???!!!
Hi semitegal,
The best way to find out what%26#39;s available for tours, etc. is to check out the BBH%26#39;s Chamber of Commerce site which has a wonderful visitor%26#39;s section. The addy is www.boothbayharbor.com. They list links to just about every business in the harbor. From those you%26#39;ll get the info you need or at minimum a phone number to call for further info.
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