Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Kennebunkport with dog

We are planning on visiting Kennebunkport in June with our dog (2 year old Cocker Spaniel). Is Kennebunkport generally a dog-friendly town? Will we be able to find places to eat where we can bring our dog with us?

Kennebunkport with dog

I have traveled all over the U.S. and Canada with my two Jack Russell terriers and, regretfully, I have to say that, IMHO, Maine is not one of the most dog friendly places to visit when it comes to vacationing with our canine friends. Leash laws are usually strickly enforced, in the summer dogs are not allowed on most beaches, and the ones that do allow them only allow them early in the morning or at night. Restaurants do not allow dogs inside, though some have outside eating areas where you can take your pooch.

I am not aware of any eating establishments in Kennebunkport that would allow your dog to accompany you. There are several hotels/motels that do allow pets---The Lodge a Turbat%26#39;s Creek is one that comes to mind.

There are, of course, acceptions to the rule---Bar Harbor is a very dog friendly town, for example.

I am sure that all these anti-dog rules and regulations were instated to protect the public at large from unruly canines and irresponsible owners who do not control, or clean up after, their pets. And, of course, not everyone likes dogs, or wants them around when they are in a public place. Of they have allergies---though I have severe allergies to perfume and no one passes any laws saying that perfumes and after shaves cannot be worn in public. But, it is annoying for those of us who do control and clean up after our dogs.

Portland has some off leash dog parks.

I don%26#39;t think this really answers your question, but it may give you some insight as to what to expect in Maine when traveling with your cocker spaniel.

Kennebunkport with dog

Last I recall the Colony Hotel was pet friendly.

Yachtsman Lodge on Ocean Ave. - When searching for our own pet-friendly accommodation in Kennebunkport, we had a few road blocks, but we managed to find an adorable Inn that was happy to welcome us and even greeted our lab with a smile! The Yachtman Lodge has pet friendly rooms and they are beautiful! Our room was exactly like the picture on the website and didn%26#39;t smell like animal hair like some other pet-friendly hotels. Theres a $25/night charge, but its totally worth it. My lab even played with another dog staying at the property that weekend. The Yachtsman is perfect for anyone looking for a quaint, pretty pet-friendly inn in Kennebunkport.

I had a few issues with dining. I guess some outdoor restaurants used to allow dogs, but got in trouble with health codes (understandable). There are a few places to grab some fresh Maine seafood and bring it back to your room, which is what we ended up doing one night. We picked up some fried clams and lobster rolls from Clam Shack downtown and ate on our patio at the Yachtsman and watched the sun set across the river behind the downtown. Amazing how romantic take-out can be! :)

Hope this helped!

-Zoe and Ben Snyder

We bring our two labs to Kennebunkport every year. Since it is a busy touristy area I think it is pretty dog friendly, at least dogs are allowed on beaches before 9 and after 5. Dogs are not allowed on Cape Cod beaches at all during the summer months. There is a dog park where you can let your dog roam leash free in Kennebunk. Some places that allow dogs---Wildwood Cottages, English Robin Guest House, Colony Hotel, Lodge at Turbat%26#39;s Creek, a new B %26amp; B The Hound%26#39;s Tooth Inn. We are going again this summer and will be staying at a private home that allows dogs. Hope this helps.

Lablover from MA

There is a dog park on Sea Road, a right hand turn off Rte 35 between KBunk and KPort, at the recycling center.

If you do take your dog to the beach, please oh please oh please clean up after your pet! Dogs are super, but dog poop is not fun to find when you are digging sand castles!!!!!

Hi nyctomia - How did your trip to Kennebunkport with your dog work out? Any recommendations for pet-friendly establishments? We%26#39;re planning to bring our five-month old Yorkie pup with us in a couple of weeks, so any advice would be greatly appreciated!



The Colonly Hotel is the best! The entire historical hotel is pet friendly. Your dog is welcome by the pool - even allowed to sit on a lounge chair. If you have lunch outdoors by the pool your dog is welcome. They also have a private beach where our dogs swim and are provided with towels and a dog shower area for rinsing and drying. The hotel provides dog qulits for your bed if your pet likes to sleep with you. They are allowed everywhere on the grounds - including the beautiful gardens and all along the decks. There is a great walk to the Bush compound and its a great walk in the morning with your pooch. There are places along the way for them to swim and explore. I highly recommend the Colony! We wouldn%26#39;t go anywhere else.

Ditto on the Colony Hotel. An absolutely wonderful place. We%26#39;ve been there 4 times with our dog. Such a beautiful place, overlooking the ocean, with spectacular perennial gardens and gracious service, we%26#39;d stay there even if we weren%26#39;t bringing our dog!

We find Maine including KPT to be very dog friendly compared to other places we have lived. The dogs love to run on the beaches and there are tons of dog-friendly parks and trails. Dining can be a little tricky but there are many wonderful ';to go'; options and some outside patio dining. I own Scalawags, a pet boutique in Kennebunkport, and have a list of pet-friendly hotels with links on my website (scalawagsonline.com). I also have beach guidelines, dog park info and much more listed on the site. I am also happy to help with any specific questions you may have (info@scalawagsonline.com).

  • becca
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