My husband and I are travelling the coast of Maine starting next week. As well as the fall foliage, I am hoping to have some great photo ops of lighthouses along the way. We are staying in Camden for two nights and then moving on to Bar Harbor. Can anyone suggest some of the more popular lighthouses to see during our coastal trip up Route 1? Thanks.
Hi alohamom,
Many of the lighthouses of Maine are off the beaten path. We have found the following link helpful in finding them:
Please note that many are only accessable by boat and some now in private hands.
I hope this helps!
I am sorry, you will need to cut and paste the entire link.
Another site to check:
Thanks for the info! Any must sees that are easily accessible?
Hi alohamom,
About a 15 minute drive south of Camden is the Rockland Breakwater Light. You can walk to this lighthouse via an almost mile long breakwater (which is wide and safe unless the seas are rough). It%26#39;ll bring you right to the lighthouse though you won%26#39;t be able to go inside it. The views from the jetty and lighthouse are spectacular. You%26#39;ll feel like you%26#39;re in the middle of Penobscot Bay and will have views to the Camden Hills, open ocean, Rockland Harbor and islands. If you go on a Saturday, the Brown Bag in Rockland will be open where you can purchase a nice picnic lunch to enjoy along with the views at the lighthouse. Many people also fish off the breakwater if that%26#39;s your thing.
Pemaquid Lighthouse would be about an hour%26#39;s drive from Camden, also to the south. This lighthouse sits high above the sea on a rocky bluff and offers more spectacular views and is well worth the drive.
These are the only 2 lighthouses I%26#39;m aware of within a reaonsable drive from Camden that you can actually drive or walk to. I%26#39;m sure there are others, particularly in the Bar Harbor area and maybe the local experts will pipe in with info on them.
Have fun :).
Dear Cozy,
Thanks for the info -- sounds just like what we are looking for! Anyone have any suggestions for must see lighthouses in Bar Harbor area?
In the Camden area you also have Owls Head and at Port Clyde, the Marshall Point Light. You might recognize Marshall Point from the movie Forrest Gump. When Forrest was running coast to coast he ran up the ramp to this lighthouse. Both are accessible by foot.
If you take a ferry from LIncolnville, you will land right by the lighthouse at Islesboro. I think you also see a lighthouse on the way to Vinalhaven.
Thanks everyone! We are heading for Camden on Thursday -- really looking forward to our first trip to Maine!
Here%26#39;s another website to look at. Have a great trip, I think you%26#39;ve picked the perfect time of year to see Maine.
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