Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Best Place for Lobster Roll in Freeport

We%26#39;ll be in Freeport for a day on our short trip to Maine next week, would like suggestions on where to have lunch, someplace where we can get lobster and crab rolls.

Best Place for Lobster Roll in Freeport

Harasseeket Lunch %26amp; Lobster is the quintessential lobster shack...located in So. Freeport (10 min from the LLBean hubbub). They *should* still be open next week but may have limited hours (e.g. just weekends) so check first.

Another option is Broad Arrow Tavern, inside Harasseeket Inn (Main St, north of LLBean). Good food, casual atmosphere, very large, varied memu but definitely includes lobster rolls.

Jameson Tavern, directly across from LLBean.

Avoid Lobster Cooker...tourist trap/lousy food.

Best Place for Lobster Roll in Freeport

Agree with Hid

First choice Harasseeket Lunch if open.

Jameson Tavern has a very good lobster roll. They have a patio for outdoor seating, if a nice day.

Although I%26#39;ve never been there, I%26#39;ve heard good things about Morrison%26#39;s.

Thanks so much for the suggestions - I%26#39;ll make note of all these places, and we%26#39;ll see what%26#39;s open when we are there. Only a few more days til I%26#39;m there! :)

Not a seafood place but Buck%26#39;s Naked Barbecue is really good. Try the burnt brisket ends and the Bloody Mary with a rib garnish!

another vote for the Harasseeket Lunch %26amp; Lobster as the drive there will show you a totally different side of Freeport. Sweet old settlement with lovingly restored old homes. Plus, you%26#39;ll be right next to a marina with a water view.

We%26#39;re also going to be there next week -- and the description of Harasseeket Lunch %26amp; Lobster sounds like it%26#39;s definitely work finding! Glad you asked the question, mom2EB. Hope you have a nice trip and that we all have great weather!

Note that this is not the Harraseeket Inn which you will see from the road while driving into Freeport.

I meant to write that it was worth finding...(not work).

And thanks for the location tip, Joe.

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