Hey we are taking a trip up to maine and have a 10 yo, a 7 yo,a four yo and a thirteen yo.Are there go cart tracks open or arcades or haunted houses that we can take the kids to.This is what will make us go or stay home.Please help.dgomes7@netzero.net
oob in october
Two things fit your bill in Scarborough (near OOB):
Maine Indoor Carting
Haunted Hayrides (at Scarborough Downs):
However, I%26#39;m not sure that either of them is suitable for a four year old.
oob in october
if i were you, i would go online to portland press herald.com and put in portland as a keyword and see all the holiday things going on. i don%26#39;t think OOB is a good enough place for that. The beach is great, but other than that, I think ou may have to ventrue outer regions for things for the kids. Portland has lots going on.
We just got back from OOB- the kids were actually swimming! The weekend weather was so nice and I swear kids are impervious to the cold of the water! The arcades were open, some pizza places, some shops. Everything is starting to shut down for the season- no rides... Portland may be a better bet for more variety of activities.
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