Tuesday, April 24, 2012

What to do

I%26#39;ll be visiting York on 10/15-10/17 for our 20th anniversary. I%26#39;ve been browsing these forums for things to do and there doesn%26#39;t seem to be a whole lot to do in the York area. Any ideas? My husband hates to shop but I%26#39;ll drag him along for a while :)

What to do

You could take a relaxing ride up route 1 as far as you wanted until you felt like turning around..taking you to Ogunquit/Wells/the Kennebunks etc. Ogunquit has the marginal way upon the coastal cliffs,always liked going there. You could certainly take a drive to the Nubble Lighthouse in York. If you%26#39;re into hiking, you could check out info about Mt Agamenticus(it%26#39;s more like a huge hill,not very high up,only about 690 or so foot elevation I believe)where, on a clear day ,you can see quite a ways. Or you could also drive up the road to the top. They have those viewers that you can put coins in and see the distant scenes,last time I went up there they did anyway.

Then,of course,there is Stonewall Kitchen(right as you get off of I95 at the Yorks exit),the Kittery Outlets/Kittery Trading Post on Rte 1,which I%26#39;m sure you know about lol. There is a big info center in York once you get off the highway(should be open) maybe you%26#39;ll find something of interest in the surrounding area...but yeah, as for York,there really isn%26#39;t much as most things close Labor day weekend at the beach.

October 17-19 York has their Harvestfest, which usually includes some kind of small tours,food,parade,crafts etc depending on the day, I%26#39;ve never been and I think it%26#39;s pretty small but might be something of your type, not sure.

What to do

Mt Agamenticus is great!!! You will see foliage, ocean, mountain scenes, etc....just beautiful and only a short drive from your inn. I am sure the innkeepers will have suggestions too. The York Harbor Cliff walk is great. You can just follow to the beach or continue on all the way past the harbor to the Wiggly Bridge, and into a park/preserve area. There are historical museums too. Your DH may like Stonewall because he can sample food items! They have a nice cafe too. I love the Harvest Fest although it has gotten so big! Lots of good food, high quality crafts, church fair, etc, Again, the innkeepers will have information on all. You can look here too - www.gatewaytomaine.org .

Thanks for the suggestions. I just picked up the AAA book for Maine so I%26#39;m hoping to find some things to do there. Was thinking of heading up to Portland. How far is that from York? Seems like some things of interest there. A lot of the boat tours are until mid October. I%26#39;m not sure if they will be open when I go on the 15th.

Portland is 45 minutes north, at least to South Portland where Christmas Tree Shop is.

I think it would take you maybe 45 minutes to an hour to get to Portland,so long as you just take 95. Never done a boat tour in Maine, though it does sound like a good idea..guess I just don%26#39;t think of it living here and all lol.....but yeah they might not be ruinning..I saw one online that says year round, but I think it says it runs until Oct. 13 here%26#39;s a link:


I%26#39;ve heard that these tours in Portsmouth are good and it is only 15 minutes from York - www.portsmouthharbor.com/timesandrates.php

If you really want to get out on the water, and don%26#39;t necessarily want/need narration, I%26#39;d take the 45-60 minute drive up 95 and 295 to Downtown Portland....

Take Exit 7 off I-295 for the Franklin Arterial in Portland. It only goes in one direction off 295...so, follow it up the hill and down the other side, through 5-6 traffic lights to Portland Harbor.

When you can%26#39;t go any further straight ahead, the large building directly ahead of you is the wharf for the Casco Bay Lines ferry service, which serves several islands in Portland Harbor.

Park (parking garage is probably your best bet) and go into the ticket office....they can tell you about trip lengths for their various trips to the islands and will be happy to sell you an out-and-back ticket.

Walk onto the ferry (much cheaper than taking a car) and enjoy views of the harbor, commercial and recoreational boat traffic, at least three lighthouses (two fairly close and one more in the distance), smell the fresh salt air and enjoy being on the water in Maine.

Depending on how long a trip you choose, it%26#39;s really not all that expensive ($10-12 each for the longest trip the last I remember)and you can get onto the water easily.

Remember to take a jacket (can get chilly out there) and anything you may want to drink or eat -- no food service on board -- these are commuter ferries for folks who live on the island -- but don%26#39;t think urban commuter ferry runs -- much less crowded and plenty of room to move around the deck to see-the-sees (or seas, as the case may be).

Take a look at CascoBayLines.com for more info.

Wow, thanks for your help. I am looking forward to coming up in a few weeks.

I guess you could check out the Long Beach Motor Inn in York and let us know what is really going on. Beware.

weimeraner...I don%26#39;t know why you have to bring that Long Beach Motor Inn situation into this thread! I just walked Long Sands and went by there, and also all the other motor inns that line the street. All have do not enter, no turning, absolutely no trespassing except for guests, etc...signs out. That street is a tough one as when you are heading along the water there are really only a couple ways/places to turn around and head the other way. That is why the problem has gotten so bad and why places put these signs and try to enforce them. I imagine it is a nightmare, especially in the summer! Yes, they shouldn%26#39;t be so rude on the phone or even in person, but that is not up to me to judge. The place looks nice and well kept so they must have some business going on there. York in the fall is a wonderful place to be and that is what msar1076 wants to talk about! Frankly we are happy just walking the beaches and strolling around!

  • becca
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