Tuesday, April 24, 2012

island view hotel on East Grand Avenue

I would not recommend this hotel to my worst enemy.

Because my family and i stayed in there for 2 nights it was supposed to be for 4 nights but left after 2 because the first night i felt like iwas being bit up from something and discovered that i had flea bites from the bed my son who is four also had some flea bites also when we left in the morniging to go out to do some site seeing we thought we would come back to a clean room as they advertise daily maid service well thats a GREAT BIG LIE because we went back to our room at 12 or 1 pm and it was not touched beds were still messed and sand still on floor no clean towels.That night me and my husband were up until 2a.m. killing some strange bugs in the room that was flying around we must have killed at least 20.well we went out that day and found another hotel and like the day before no maid services so we ended up leaving there and lost $80.because no refunds.If you are looking for a nice hotel DO NOT STAY at THE ISLAND VIEW HOTEL.Also when we went to get cleaning supplies so we could clean the room once again the owners were no wheres around.DO NOT STAY HERE EVER.

island view hotel on East Grand Avenue

You should write a review in the Island View Motel page that way it%26#39;s rating will drop. It%26#39;s too bad about your experience.

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