Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Maine Coast Trip Report - Days 3 - 5


As usual I was up in time for sunrise and found my way onto the rocky private beach. There are ample lawned grounds with sun lounges overlooking the water and I imagine it to be beautiful in fine sunny weather.

Complimentary breakfast is served in the sun room and consisted of juice, fruit, coffee/tea and freshly baked muffins and popovers. We had no idea what they were, but would describe them as similar to our Yorkshire Pudding (a savory eaten with meat and vegetables) but with a hint of sweetness.

We left at 8.30 this morning and stopped in Belfast Harbor where we watched Osprey fishing before making our way to Penobscot Narrows Bridge and Fort Knox. We paid our $5 and made our way via the lift to the observation deck of the bridge – the view was amazing (luckily it was a sunny clear day) and we spent a while taking photos. The fort is equally interesting, but we didn’t spend long there being eager to continue our journey.

Across the bridge to Bucksport, on to Ellsworth, we collect a lunch sandwich from Subway and travelled round Mount Desert Island, stopping to photograph Bass Harbor Ligthouse and eat our sandwich overlooking the harbour. After a walk on some rocks in one of the bays we were on our way to Bar Harbor arriving at 2.30pm.

I knew where I wanted to stay – Bar Harbor Motel – but we couldn’t find it and my husband was anxious to stop so he pulled in at the Motel he had first seen on entering the town which was Aurora Inn. I like to see what sort of cars are in the car park – if they are rough looking I wont go there, the only car in the car park that afternoon was a large new looking one, so I agreed. We got the last room at a rate of $99 plus tax and were given room number 10 at the end. It was a bit dated, but it was clean and the bed comfortable. The guy was very helpful, giving us directions to the main streets and to Acadia National Park as well as maps and information booklets.

Leaving our bags in our room we walked into town, round the harbour and part of the

Ocean walk, it was very busy with traffic and people. My husband spotted a Chinese restaurant (China Jay) and decided that was where he wanted to eat. I couldn’t think why when we could have fish, lobster, shrimp etc anywhere in town, but I humoured him and it was very good. We also checked out a couple of places for breakfast – I didn’t want to be late going into the Park.


Next morning we were up at 6am, at Jeannies for breakfast at 7 and in the park for 8am – followed by two coaches full of cruise people, but we managed to lose them eventually and had a lot of the scenic places to ourselves, including Sand Beach. On entering we were lucky to see three deer crossing the road ahead of us. We toured the Loop Road leisurely, stopping for photo opportunities – it was easy to just stop on the road as most of the time there wasn’t much traffic. The most people were at the top of Cadillac Mountain admiring the amazing view and we joined them, staying for three hours, eating lunch, gazing at the view and watching raptors gliding, then went back to town for dinner.

I had some delicious Clam Chowder but I can’t remember the name of the pub (had “Whale” in the name). My husband had fish and chips (his favourite) and by the time we were done the place was quite busy and we had to wait for our check, which made me think I would miss the sunset on Cadillac Mountain. We made it to a pull in part way up the mountain where others were parked and I set up and waited – it was so quiet and peaceful, but quite chilly – the top was even colder as we discovered after sunset! We saw another deer on our way back, so a good day all round.


Breakfast next morning was at Acadia Café, opposite Quality Inn where we chatted to a fellow countryman before continuing to Schoodic Point. Just outside Bar Harbor we spotted Bar Harbor Motel and were glad we hadn’t stayed there as my husband would have had to drive into town and I wanted him to have a break.

We detoured through villages on the way to Schoodic Point, but I must admit to missing a couple. Either they weren’t signposted or I thought they were further on the road and we passed the turnoff before we realised.

Now Schoodic Point was like another world – I loved it. I spent ages just walking on the rocks watching the gulls and taking photos of the pounding surf. My husband sat in the car with binoculars glued out to sea watching for whales.

Continuing on our way, we stop for coffee at Millbridge, detour to Jonesport and back onto Highway 1 keeping our eyes open for a motel for the night. By the time we spotted Blueberry Patch Motel just outside Jonesboro it was raining.

We were offered a motel room at the end with its own deck overlooking the pool – it was raining and the pool was covered for the winter, but the thought was there. For a roadside motel and a rate of $59 plus tax it was very good value. Everything was bright and clean – including the bathroom – and there was a fridge, microwave and tv.

There is a restaurant next door, but it was closed for the season so we had to travel to

Machias approx 4 miles, to the Blueberry Restaurant which was very busy.

  • reptiles
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