Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Good East in boothbay Harbor.

Hi All, Wondering if any locals can help with a good place for dinner in Boothbay or close to it. Looking for some Lobster (surprise surprise). Or just some good down home cookin. Thanks, Semitegal. Also any ideas for Rockland? We will be there October 20 and 21

Good East in boothbay Harbor.

I%26#39;m not sure what all will be closed up by Oct 20....The Lobster Dock; Andrew%26#39;s Harborside; The Thistle Inn; Bet%26#39;s Fish Fry. Don%26#39;t miss the Ice Cream Factory in Boothbay too. In Rockland the Rockland Cafe for some good home cookin%26#39;, and get yourself one of ';Amy%26#39;s Pies'; at the Thomaston Grocery. Too bad Waterman%26#39;s Beachside Lobster will probably be done for the season around the 15th.

Good East in boothbay Harbor.

Hi semitegal,

Here are a few suggestions for lobster and dining...Robinson%26#39;s Wharf just over the swing bridge on Southport Island is a fun %26#39;lobster in the rough%26#39; sort of place that sits right on the water.

Other good places for casual dining that are open in late October are McSeagull%26#39;s, the Thistle Inn, and The Bistro.

For simple but good food (but no liquor license if you like spirits with your meal) is the Ebb Tide. They serve breakfast all day plus make excellent burgers, chowder, scallops, etc.

One last suggestion, though I haven%26#39;t dined there recently but have heard good reviews is the Tugboat Inn.

Good luck with your trip and don%26#39;t forget to report back and let us know things went :).


Talked to a friend who lives in Boothbay yesterday -- he says most of the more seasonal restaurants are open through Columbus Day (Oct 13th) but may start closing up on a case-by-case basis anytime after that.

Over the years we%26#39;ve had some good meals at the Tugboat Inn -- open year round the last I knew...

And if they%26#39;re still open when you get here, Kaler%26#39;s (on the waterfront downtown) can also provide good Maine seafood at reasonable prices.

  • becca
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