We spent a good night at the Econolodge and after enjoying their complimentary breakfast were on our way by 8.35am.
Bypassing Portland, we turned off at Portland South and found our way to Two Lights and Fort Williams Park which we explored before continuing on our way.
I had been hoping to stay at Higgins Beach Inn for our last night (our flight was 2.30pm so I figured if we stayed at Higgins Beach we would have ample time to enjoy the beach and get back to Portland for our flight). Unfortunately it was closed for the season, so we continued south. I would say we found it difficult to find a car park at a few of these seaside villages, so we had to look as we passed.
The road led us past Pine Point Nature Reserve where we broke our journey again, to walk on the path through the salt marshes. There were white and grey herons, long beaked wading birds and a tiny grey bird with a long beak which was having a good time bathing itself wasn’t bothered in the slightest by us and our cameras.
By this time it was lunchtime so we were off to see if there was anywhere to eat along the way. Luckily we came across Bayleys Roadside Café where we ate a delicious shrimp roll at one of their picnic tables accompanied by a hopeful and disappointed gull.
We arrived at Old Orchard Beach.
Driving through the almost deserted town, past the closed Palace Playground and sad looking roller coasters, we both agreed this was where we wanted to stay and coming across the Edgewater Motel – virtually on the beach – we turned in.
Jean was on reception and she was so nice. They have three grades of rates – ocean view (upstairs) $99, downstairs $89 and back $79. We opted for an upstairs ocean view for our last two nights and were given the key to look at room 24 which had a very good view of the ocean. Unfortunately, this room had a wet carpet due to the end of season cleaning, so we were given room 31 which was in the same state. We finally ended up with room 32 which was overlooking the sundeck, but didn’t have as good a view as room 24 and I was a little disappointed. The room however was really beautiful, very clean and very well furnished with a king bed which was huge.
We had a drink and a rest then walked into town to see if there would be anywhere for evening dinner and breakfast. We found a café called Barefoot Boy which had tables set and didn’t look closed for the season then slowly made our way back to the Edgewater calling in the one or two shops which were open and the pier, which unfortunately was closed – I love piers. We actually ended up at Joseph’s (next to the Hotel) for dinner as everywhere else was closed. They were very busy and the meal was good, but expensive and not our style.
DAY 10
I was up early and on the beach for the sunrise next morning which was really beautiful. There were probably about 6 other people on this otherwise deserted beach. Further down were some rocks so I walked down to see if any stars had been left stranded by the tide, but there was only a poor crab – wonder how long that lasted as there were lots of gulls about!!
After breakfast at Barefoot Boy, we were off south to explore the beautiful beaches. We reach Ogunquit on Highway 1 and slowly return, stopping to photograph birds (woodpecker, beautiful pink finch, ducks, heron) at Rachel Carson Wildlife Refuge area and visit all the little seaside towns on the way. Disappointed we couldn’t explore Perkins Cove as all car parks were full, we made Kennebunk Lower Village by lunchtime where we enjoyed another shrimp roll and clam chowder from a little hut near the harbour.
A drive by President Bush’ summer home and we were on our way back for the last night of our trip.
We decided we would go into “town” to eat tonight. We went into the pub on the pier and ordered beer and fish and chips. The beer was brought then we were informed that as it was the end of season they didn’t have any fish and chips, so we drank our beer and left. The only other places open in this area were the booths. One of these was selling pizza, which my husband doesn’t like, so we went to one on the edge of Palace Playground. A young Turkish guy was in charge and he cooked us some very good fish and chips which we ate on a bench in the street, then walked back to the hotel along the beach.
DAY 11
Although our flight wasn’t until 2.30pm we were off at 8am, stopping for breakfast along the way then having time to kill, we revisited Fort William Park and sat and watched the ocean.
Then the bit I had been dreading – the tiny two propeller plane to Newark!
We boarded and waited for take off, and waited and waited. An announcement – there was 30 minutes delay before we can get in line. We finally take off and its not as bad as I thought, we descend into Newark and suddenly ….. we are going up again. Another announcement, we cannot land on the predicted runway it is too busy, we have to go to another we will be only 5 minutes. Thirty minutes later we are still flying with the airport a long way behind. That’s when I start worrying, how much fuel have we left, will it run out before we land – with these thoughts in my head I am nearly in tears when we start the descent again and we land safely. I say to my husband “never again will I fly in a tiny plane like that”, but now I have been home for two weeks and I relive our trip – I probably will.
I loved the real Maine of the DownEast, the rocky MidCoast and the beautiful sandy beaches of the south and I especially loved Old Orchard Beach at end of season. In fact Maine is a fantastic beautiful state – we both loved it all
Thank you so much to everyone who has offered advice, help and information – I couldn’t have done it without you all and thank you for reading this report.
Maine coast Trip Report days 9-11Angela, I so enjoyed reading your trip reports. Your descriptions were detailed and vivid. I was entertained by the near-nightly drama of whether you would find a place to stay. Amazing how many times you got the last room! I live near Edgecomb, so I was almost talking to my laptop to tell you to turn back for the Resort cottages. Glad you did get there eventually.
Thanks for the taking the time to write your reports, and I hope you%26#39;ll return for another visit.
Maine coast Trip Report days 9-11I also want to say ';thanks'; for a great post. Sometimes ir really does help to see your ';home turf'; through the eyes of someone else. Most of us who live in Maine inherently know it%26#39;s someplace special, but it really doesn%26#39;t sink in until someone like you takes the time and effort to help us remember what it is that we have and should appreciate rather than simply taking it for granted.
Thanks again for taking the time to share your trip with us.
Angela- I really enjoyed your reports! You saw pretty much the entire coast of Maine in all of its varied states:) I think you should come back and:
Catch Old Orchard Beach in full swing.
Go inland. You would love the woods, lakes, mountains and rivers.
Thanks for sharing your trip with us.
Angela, thanks for ';circling back'; and taking the time to share your interesting reports.
We were in Maine last month for a too-brief vacation and really enjoyed the beauty of the state.
Thank you all for your kind replies.
I think that when people have offered help in trip planning it is right and proper to write a report and let them know how the trip went - it also may help other people with their trips. Also I enjoy reliving my trips.
Downeast - had I known you lived near Edgecomb I may have been knocking on your door - lol!
CB48 - I would love to visit inland Maine sometime - I may even see a moose there - but I don%26#39;t know about Old Orchard Beach during the busy season. We have places like that in the UK and I love them out of season, but keep away when they are busy.
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