Thursday, April 19, 2012

Wedding in Boothbay

we live in Bucks County Pa and are planning a small destination wedding in Boothbay for September 2007. our immediate family and friends will be joining us and we are all renting houses for the week. We have tentatively chosen to rent a house called Seanook in Linekin Bay - also referred to as Paradise Studio. Our friends and family are also currently researching cottages and houses to rent. We want to get married on a beautiful point or dramatic natural setting in the area and perhaps charter a sailboat for a sunset cruise following the ceremony. our thought it to have the sailboat return us to the harbor for an informal ';lobster in the rough'; type meal. I am looking into the Lobster Dock, Gray%26#39;s Wharf %26amp; Fisherman%26#39;s Wharf. Does anyone have any feedback on these restaurants - or perhaps alternate suggestions or recommendations. It will be less than 20 people and we want to keep it reasonable and informal and enjoy the spirit of the fishing village and harbor views.

we have never been to Boothbay and all my research has been via the internet. hearing ideas and reviews from those of you who know the area will be extremely helpful in planning a memorable wedding event and providing our guests with information to make their trip as wonderful as possible.

I look forward to any and all suggestions and comments. Thanks!

Wedding in Boothbay

Can%26#39;t help you with Boothbay, but I am a huge fan of the Grey Havens Inn in Georgetown Maine. With a crowd of that size, you maybe could rent out the entire Inn for the weekend, and have the wedding there and have the Inn to yourselves. like a giant house party.

Georgetown is a sweet little community. Any boat that could pick you up in Boothbay could probably pick you up at Grey Havens or a mile away in the Five Islands part of Georgetown.

The front lawn of the Grey Havens is lovely, would make a gorgeous site for a wedding. Down the road from Grey Havens is Reid State Park with beach and rocky shoreline. Maybe you could get married there. Or, in the Five Islands area there is a little-known Nature Conservancy preserve with a gorgeous rocks. If folks are able to walk 1/2 mile or so down a road and thru woods to the rocky shore, that might be a third alternative for your ceremony site.

see www,

Wedding in Boothbay

iHi girlthing181,

Congratulations regarding your wedding! Hundreds of people choose the Boothbay Harbor region to marry every year for its beauty and diverse options as far as sites to hold the wedding, reception, etc.

If you check out the BBH Chamber of Commerce site and click on the Visitor link, there%26#39;s an entire section on weddings with just about everything you would need to know about planning one :).

Regarding your restaurant choices; if you want to do %26#39;lobster in the rough%26#39; I would highly suggest either the Lobster Dock or Robinson%26#39;s Wharf. They are very casual.

Gray%26#39;s is kinda rough and tumble and is the place lobstermen hang out, drink alot, and often get into brawls in the evenings, so you might want to re-think that choice.

Fisherman%26#39;s is a nice hotel, with a good rep, and has a nice dining room overlooking the harbor.

What might be a fun option is to do the Cabbage Island Lobster/Clam Bake. They%26#39;ll take you out on a boat in which everyone will get a nice tour of BBH and then on into Linekin Bay on the way to Cabbage Island (located in Linekin Bay) where the Bake takes place. I%26#39;ve never done the trip but have heard consistenly excellent reviews about it.

As for a location to say your vows; a wonderful choice would be Ocean Pt. There%26#39;s a quaint, stone chapel right on the point where the wedding could take place. Don%26#39;t remember the name of it even though I see it ALL THE TIME, lol. Or if you%26#39;re not religious, you could still say your vows somewhere along the point. This is a gorgeous spot wtih rocky shoreline, evergreens, quaint summer cottages, and views out to islands, lighthouses, and open ocean.

Other areas might be at Hendricks Headlight beach; Reid State Park beach; or Popham beach. The list is endless for beautiful sites to get married at in the area (though Reid and Popham are about 45 minutes away).

In any case, good luck with your plans and post back if you have any further questions :) !


Hi Again girlthing,

Forgot to give you the website for the BBH Chamber. It%26#39;s :).


thanks so much for all the info. it is very helpful. The house we are renting is in Linekin Bay and we can see Cabbage Island from the house. I have left at least 3 messages in the past couple of weeks and they say they will return my call but have yet to hear back... i thought it would be the perfect reception solution. maybe they dont want the business??

i will definately check out the little chapel - that would be great and we wouldnt need to be concerned with the weather. that%26#39;s the only tricky part of scheduling it outdoors.

we are trying to keep things very simple and natural. we dont want the big ';to-do'; or we would just stay here in Bucks County. any additional ideas are much appreciated. i will check out some of the places you have suggested.

what do you think my chances are for weather mid september?

thanks again.


My son just got married at her mother%26#39;s home on Westport Island, Maine. We visited Reid State Park and it is a beautiful wild beach.

We rented a 5 bedroom house in Woolrich, Maine which is on the water. Possibly could be a site for a small wedding. Someone was checking it out for a wedding while we were there. Our wedding did not take place at the house but we had the rehearsal get together there. Lots of room for entertaining. Have you checked out or cyberrentals for places to rent.

Good luck with your planning. My son%26#39;s wedding was beautiful, but simple.

Hi girlthing..

You mentioned calling somewhere 3 times and not getting a return message. Did you mean you called the Cabbage Island Clam Bake place? If so, try checking out their website at for more info and details.

Regarding weather in September.

All I can say is that September in Maine can be so beautiful. But nothing%26#39;s could be absolutedly gorgeous with lots of sun, blue skies and water, and in the low to mid 60%26#39;s or it could be rainy and foggy. Weather here is just too unpredictable to forecast unfortunately.

Meanwhile, good luck with your plans and I hope you checked out the Chamber%26#39;s site at as it would be a huge help regarding resources in the area.


Hi Again,

Just looked at the Cabbage Island Clam Bake site and it has a whole section about weddings along with pictures. Unfortunately their services only go through Labor Day Weekend. But check out the site anyway for ideas :).


Just a note about jan317%26#39;s post. If you try to check out her idea about house rentals, be sure to specify Woolwich, not Woolrich. (Though you can always find plenty of Woolrich clothing at Reny%26#39;s department store across the river in downtown Bath!)

My daughter was married 3 years ago in Boothbay Harbor. We were looking for a spot on the Harbor to have a lobster dinner for the rehearsal dinner. We held it at The Lobstermen%26#39;s Coop which is just down the street from the Lobster Dock. It was a wonderful spot. They have a room on the second story that they let us have to ourselves. The view was terrific. We had steamers, lobsters, and other dishes to choose from. The food was wonderful. We had a few orders of fried clams, shrimp and chicken fingers for appetizers. There were a few people who didn%26#39;t want seafood and there were plenty of choices for them. Everything was terrific. We have lived in Maine our entire lives and feel we know a lot about lobster and this was outstanding. I%26#39;d definitely call them and see if they are still using this room for functions. The service was terrific they made sure that we had plenty of soda, beer, everything that we needed.

I would encourage you to come look at the area prior to making your plans if possible. Things can look differently on the internet than they do in reality. The Cabbage Island ride and dinner are ok but that time of year can be cold, I%26#39;d go for a room with a view.

Congratulations and good luck!

Hi girlthing181,

Was just out at Ocean Pt. the other day and made sure I noted the name of the church I mentioned in a previous post.

It%26#39;s called the Wilson Memorial Chapel and is a very small stone chapel that sits right across from the ocean and is absolutely lovely. It%26#39;s very popular so if you%26#39;re interested, it wouldn%26#39;t be too early to call and book now before it shuts down for the season.

Good luck with your plans and post again if you have any further questions :).


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