Saturday, April 21, 2012

Bar Harbor - Mosley's B&B

Moseley Cottage Inn, a B%26amp;B in Bar Harbor was terrific. We had room #1 on the main floor and it is a very large room. A great breakfast was servided with a lot of variety. A large common room makes visiting with other guests convenient. They have a wood burning fireplace lit each morning and evening in the lobby.

Bar Harbor is a very active little town with a lot of foot traffic late at night. I was very pleasantly surprised at the wonderful weather we had.

Bar Harbor - Mosley's B%26amp;B

Thank you for the review. Moseley%26#39;s doesn%26#39;t get quite the recognition of some other inns in the Bar Harbor area. Glad to hear that you enjoyed it.

Bar Harbor - Mosley's B%26amp;B

Stayed there a week ago and agree. We were in the motel part, great place - really good location too!!!

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