Saturday, April 21, 2012

Leaving for Bar Harbor on Monday...too late?

Me and my husband are celebrating our first wedding anniversary in Bar Harbor. We are leaving Monday, and I%26#39;m worried we are a little late in the season to really enjoy the area. Any suggestions for us late-seasoners? How does the foilage look for next week?


Leaving for Bar Harbor on Monday...too late?

We still have an abundance of autumn color. Some of the very brilliant reds are gone now but there still are reds, all variations of orange, and yellow. As you wander around Mount Desert Island, you will see everything from past-peak to peak in terms of color.

Leaving for Bar Harbor on Monday...too late?

The Park Loop Road is still open. The Jordan Pond House is now serving popovers in their dining room rather than out on the lawn. But they will stay open until October 27th, I believe.

All the shops and restaurants in town are still open. Lots of places have end-of-season, 50% off sales. The nights are very chilly. But the days are sunny and glorious with temps in the 60s.

The hiking is fabulous on both the carriage roads and the trails. hubby and I are in Bar Harbor at the moment celebrating our anniversary as well (just taking a break...we are tired from hiking!) Bar harbor has been fantastic. The other posters are right...the color here is still very pretty. I obsessed about coming out here and not seeing drove my husband turned out that I worried for nothing!

Acadia is quite has been a bit of a rainy day here, but we still hiked for hours and hours and took tons of fantastic photos... We are beat!

I do hear that it is supposed to get chilly this weekend (there has been a bit of an Indian summer here this week it seems.) So bring layers...but really, our one day of rain and some chilly nites has not been an issue at all...

Have a great trip

The State of Maine Department of Conserevation posted it%26#39;s final Fall Foliage Report on its website today.... It%26#39;s Forest Rangers around the state reported that fall color is mostly past peak in the northern reaches of the state, but is expected to be at or near peak color for the remainder of this week and next week....perhaps the best news is that leaf-drop has been reported as minimal, which means that what color there is has been staying on the trees. Last weather report I heard about suppertime tonight indicated no major storms in the extended six-day forecast, so with any luck, the leaves should stay up and the viewing stay good... Hope you enjoy your trip.

I was just driving from NEH to Bar Harbor on the Eagle Lake Road (Rt 233) and the leaves were so beautiful that they took by breath away! You will definitely not be too late!

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