Thursday, April 19, 2012

One Night in the Old Port?

I%26#39;m getting ready for my yearly shopping trip to Maine. I%26#39;ve never down in the Old Port section of Portland, but would like to check out the shopping down.

First is one day going to give me time to enjoy shopping, without feeling like I%26#39;m rushing. Second is there a hotel down there with plenty of off street parking, that is walkable to the Old Port area.

One Night in the Old Port?

The two hotels pretty much in the middle of Old Port in which we have stayed are the Portland Regency and the Hilton Garden Inn (the one on Commercial St.) Both have valet off-street parking.

I don%26#39;t know what you will be shopping for (or how quickly you make decisions ;-) ), but a day should give you time to explore much of the area.

There is a great Christmas shop on Exchange St and an excellent cookware/specialty food store--LeRoux Kitchen--on Commercial St. These are only two of a large number of interesting shops in the area.

One Night in the Old Port?

Thanks for your help. I%26#39;ve been told there is a bar-b-qu place in the Old Port area that shouldn%26#39;t be missed while I%26#39;m there...Does anyone have any idea what this place is called.

Also if for some reason I decide not to stay in the Port, but go down to shop...hows the parking?

We usually leave our car at the hotel, so I%26#39;m not a good guide re: parking. There are a lot of spots on Commercial St. and there seems to be considerable turnover.

There is a large parking ramp/garage associated with the Casco Bay Ferry terminal---at the intersection of Franklin Arterial and Commercial St---right across from the Hilton Garden Hotel.

THere is a public parking garage on Fore St, right in the middle of everything. If I can park here, I would skip the Casco Bay parkng garage. This is your best bet. If you happen to see on the street meter parking availabilty skip it. There are meter ';maids'; (all I saw was men) that patrol the area for expired meters. If you are shopping all day you end up paying less. Costs $5.00, to park in this garage and you wont be worrying about expired meters.

As far as shopping, there are several cutsey boutique and specialty shops. Not all side by side eachother but all spread among about 12 streets. Sounds like alot but not really. Yes, one day is more than enough for leisurely shopping in this area without rushing. The old buildings and other establishments in this area make for interesting walks too. It does make for a good day.

Here%26#39;s a great website with info about parking, shopping, etc. in Portland:

The BBQ place you%26#39;ve heard of is probably Uncle Billy%26#39;s which, unfortunately, has closed.

Old Port/Downtown casual but standout food options include Duckfat, Norm%26#39;s, and Bull Feeney%26#39;s.

I have not eaten at any of the Norm%26#39;s establishments, but I can vouch for Duckfat and Bull Feeney%26#39;s

If you have any plans for a Freeport trip, stop at Buck%26#39;s Naked Barbecue for some great food.

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