Thursday, April 19, 2012

Anyone know of an online trail map?

I%26#39;m considering visiting Acadia with my young kids, and I%26#39;ve been reading about all the great suggested easy hikes on this forum I%26#39;d like to be able to see them on a trail map, especially the recommended hikes that include following multiple trails, before I decide if the kids are old enough for this yet. Does anyone have a link to an online version of a trail map? I would certainly buy one if we decide to go, but I%26#39;d like to preview one online before I take the plunge.

Anyone know of an online trail map?

I%26#39;m not aware of a good online trail map for Acadia N.P.

MapAdventures, %26lt;; has, in my opinion, the best trail map at this time. They produce a paper version for $4.95 and a waterproof version for $9.95. The waterproof version has more descriptive detail regarding several of the hikes (20 or so); both versions provide ';degree of difficulty'; for the major trails.

The park site %26lt;; has a viewable map of the park with the major trails shown; it can give you an idea of the length of the trails but doesn%26#39;t provide topographic information.

Anyone know of an online trail map?

all of the good online maps require paying a membership fee so you will be much better off with a paper map.

OK, thanks for the responses. All the other parks I%26#39;ve been to have had good trail maps online that I was able to use for planning purposes.

Nothing beats a real life map, they are fun to look at anytime, but if you need a free trail map to give you a general idea try downloading %26#39;Google Earth%26#39;. Its certainly not trail calibre but it does have mileages of the better known trails.

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