Friday, April 13, 2012

best moderate priced seafood for group of 14?


Portland is hosting the National Synchronized Skating Championships this weekend. I am looking for some suggestions for seafood restaurants that my team could eat. We are staying at the Wyndham Portland Aiport Hotel and competing at the Cumberland (I think) Event center. So any places around there would be wonderful!

Not everyone likse seafood, so this place must serve seafood and non-seafood items. We are all adults (21-35) but some of the younger ones are still in school, so it can%26#39;t be too pricey either. Also do they take reservations?!

I have never been to Maine so I am also taking suggestions on ';must-see'; attractions.

Any help is appreciated!!! Thank you.

best moderate priced seafood for group of 14?

I, too, like the Saltwater Grille, but it still might be too expensive for your group. A New England based chain, The Weathervane, is near your hotel. Looking at their website, they seem to offer a tour price as well, so you could check that out:

Another suggestion, with a view, would be DiMillo%26#39;s. They are usually pretty pricey, but lately they%26#39;ve been advertising specials.

best moderate priced seafood for group of 14?

Fresh seafood is invariably expensive, but Gilbert%26#39;s Chowder House (near DiMillo%26#39;s on waterfront) is a paper-plate style place with dependably fresh seafood (and burgers, etc.) You could also hit DiMillo%26#39;s for lunch, see menu at

Your event is at the Cumberland County Civic Center, and there%26#39;s several pub burger places close by as well. And, you%26#39;ll find every restaurant in town will have seafood on the menu, including all the ones in the airport/mall area you%26#39;re staying in.

Good luck to your team!

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