Thursday, April 19, 2012

COA Family Nature Camp

Hi Everyone -

We are thinking of doing the COA%26#39;s Family Nature Camp next summer. Anyone have any experience with this?

We are 2 families traveling together with 3 kids - ages 8 thru 10. We have friends who did this adventure and were very pleased.

Any other opinions?

COA = College of the Atlantic, Arcadia National Park.

Thanks in advance - MMKoppes

COA Family Nature Camp

Bump . . . .

No-one has any experience with this?

Regards, MMKoppes

COA Family Nature Camp

I have lived here for eleven years now, and haven%26#39;t heard of it---so either I haven%26#39;t travelled in the right circles, or it is a well-kept secret.

However, College of the Atlantic has a superlative reputation in the fields of environmental and natural-resources study and education, so I think I would go with your friends%26#39; opinions.

Thanks for replying - here%26#39;s the link if you%26#39;re curious:

From what our friend says (she and her family went last year)

the food is not so great but the experience on the whole is wonderful. And you can walk to town to get some more upscale food. We are used to a bit of luxury in the food department so we will probably walk to town at least twice!

Thanks again - MMKoppes

Presumably, you stay on the COA campus. From there to the village center is an easy 20-minute walk. The Overview section at the top of this page has information on restaurants in and around the village.

Hi, Ive seen your post and Id like to know if you really went to the camp and how it was. As I see you are from Holland, please tell me how did you got there (the airport you arrived), because it is complicated from Madrid to get to Bar Harbor. Id rather not spend much time connecting flights, as the children get tired easily. Thanks.

MMKippes has a short reply/review in this forum under ';College of the Atlantic Family Nature Camp';

posted on 5 August 2008.

You might also wish to send a private message; the Koppes may not be reading this forum now.

In terms of travel, there really is no simple way to get from Europe to Bar Harbor or vice versa. For example, the simplest route we found in traveling from here to Bergen, NO and return this autumn was Bangor-Detroit-Amsterdam-Bergen.

I should have mentioned that it might be possible to find a Madrid-Boston direct flight, then drive (about five hours)to Bar Harbor.

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