Saturday, April 21, 2012

Foliage & pictures

How is the foliage up there? Will be coming on Wednesday 10/15 and I%26#39;m hoping it%26#39;s not past peak. Also, do you know of any great picture taking spots for foliage or whatever is not to be missed?

Foliage %26amp; pictures

It is edging past peak with some beautiful color mixed in with some rusty browns. The weather is cloudy a bit today but is ';supposed'; to be beautiful and warm for your visit. The gorgeous blue skies of the past few days will be perfect for your pictures! Have a great time!

Foliage %26amp; pictures

Thanks, I%26#39;m looking forward to it. It is peak here in Southeastern Mass. I was hoping it wouldn%26#39;t be past by the time we get there.

As I took my walk yesterday late afternoon I saw a couple gorgeous trees that will be what you see when you are less than a minute from the inn. Seaside foliage is usuallu a bit behind inland, but Mother Nature does waht she wants. Anyway, you%26#39;ll have a great time regardless, I am heading to Logan soon this am....sigh....

Hi msar,

The color is just beautiful here in the Boothbay Harbor area. In fact I%26#39;d say its nearing or at peak now. Was buzzing around the other day and just marveled at the gorgeous reds and golds of the trees against the backdrop of dark evergreens, and blue skies and water.

Here%26#39;s a great link for weather in the southern and midcoast Maine. I check this daily and its almost always accurate:

So far, this morning its cloudy with a good breeze, but its supposed to clear up and tomorrow%26#39;s supposed to be nice.

Enjoy your time in Maine and don%26#39;t forget to report back :).


If you want some nice foliage/boats %26amp; water pictures near where you%26#39;re staying, take a drive down Route 103 (Lilac Lane) just down the hill from its junction with Route 1A (York Street)... You will find the ';Wiggly Bridge';. It is a pedestrian suspension bridge at the end of the causeway that forms the Mill Pond. The bridge and immediate area are charming in and of themselves, but after crossing the bridge you will enter town conservation land - follow the trail clockwise and you will have some beautiful shots from under the arches of ancient trees across unspoiled grasslands to several boats moored in the York River. Looking across the Mill Pond from the bridge, you will see some very bright colors in the trees.

Views are always beautiful, and colors are currently very nice at the Harbor Beach, and along the Cliff Walk.

Enjoy you time in Maine, and Happy Anniversary!

Thanks everyone for your help. Tomorrow is the day. We are renewing our wedding vows (my husband doesn%26#39;t know yet) at the park across the street from the York Harbor Inn. I can%26#39;t wait to get there.

I just love driving county roads and even the highway this time of year. It%26#39;s so beautiful.

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