Sunday, April 15, 2012

Lubec or Roque Bluffs?

My husband and I are looking at summer rentals for this summer and have come across cottages we are interested in in both Lubec and Roque Bluffs. They are equally nice houses, waterfront and close in price, however, not being that familiar with the area, we don%26#39;t know which area would be more preferable. We will be staying for a week, mid-summer and are looking for a bucolic setting with time for both solitude and hiking. We don%26#39;t mind some isolation, but don%26#39;t want to be too far from civilization (would like to go out for dinner here and there, not be too far from a grocery store, etc.) We%26#39;ve been to Cutler and have hiked the Bold Coast Trail and are looking to hike it again along with some similar trails. Can anyone offer some pros/cons of Lubec vs. Roque Bluffs?

Lubec or Roque Bluffs?

Well, they are both fairly remote, Roque Bluffs is closer to Machias which would be the closest ';city'; For Lubec as well. They are both near Cutler, Roque Bluffs would be similar to Cutler, Lubec is a little more densley populated and has a ';downtown'; but its still a very small city. There are a few dining options in Lubec, and I believe there is a small grocery store as well. I don%26#39;t think there are any in Roque Bluffs. You would need to go to Machias for a Grocery store or dinner.

Lubec would also give you closer access to Campobello, and the ferry network to New Brunswick as well as the Quoddy Head lighthouses. (East %26amp; West) You would also be able to access Eastport which is slightly larger than Lubec. I believe there is a Water taxi service now that connects the two during the summer, or you could take a ferry. (Its not direct and somewhat time consuming) From Campobello to Deer Isle to Eastport its a cheap way to go for a boat ride though.

If you have a bike Campobello and Deer Isle are both nice for bike rides or smaller hikes if you can time the ferries right (not alot of traffic).

Lubec or Roque Bluffs?

Having stayed in Rugue Bluffs for a week, we had no problem finding dining of groceies. In fact we loved the area, it is very close to the smaller towns of Jonesport,Prospect Point, Machias and Machiasport, take a look at the map. There is also a great beach in Rouge Bluffs and also Machiasport called Jasper Beach. Lubec is has small dining areas, the 1 we enjoyed was The Family Village Rest. if I remember correctly, great family cooking. close to the lighthouse.We always used Lubec as our point of enrty to Campobello.

If you haven%26#39;t checked our for lodging please do so, the hace some great rentals in the part of the state and I have used them in the past.

Thanks for your responses. Actually, two of the homes in Roque Bluffs are through HeartsofMaine, it%26#39;s good to hear that they are reliable. The others we are looking at in Lubec are through HomeAway. It sounds like they%26#39;re both nice towns, but I%26#39;m thinking that maybe Roque Bluffs might work out as far as day trips in either direction...Acadia to the south and Bold Coast,Campobello, etc. to the north.

Rogue Bluffs is more of an area than town, but isn%26#39;t that far from (10-15 min.) from Machias where we did our grocery shopping and just looking (buying) from the local shops in town. The house we rented was Ocean%26#39;s Edge, very nice, and room for everyone. The local lobsterman will be fresh lobster to YOUR door!!!

If you haven%26#39;t already, go to , they is some useful info on the site.

There is a restaurant on rt.1 between Jonesport exit and Machias called The White House that has good food and large portions you can always take home. Of, course Helen%26#39;s Restaurant in Machias is always a favorite!!!

Have a great time Downeast, it is beautiful country.

Try to get to Schoodic Point and take a picnic lunch and a blanket!!!

A couple of quick thoughts to share --

In addition to Helen%26#39;s Restaurant in Machias, there%26#39;s also one called the Blue Bird Ranch, almost across the street from Helen%26#39;s....which some of the locals now prefer....might want to check it out as well.

If you are considering Campobello or New Brunswick adventures, remember that that are in Canada and that you%26#39;ll need documentation (passport or passport cards) for re-entry into the United States.

Would agree that you should strongly consider a day trip to the Schoodic Point section of Acadia -- some truly beautiful coastline with far fewer crowds than the Bar Harbor section of Acadia.

First, I will say that I am prejudiced on this topic because I live full time in Lubec. However, before I moved to Lubec, I stayed at various rental homes from Roque Bluffs, to Machias, to Lubec, to Edmunds, so I am familiar with many of the rental homes in the area from the persective of a vacationer. You will find that in both Lubec and Roque Bluffs you can find rental homes on long, pristine stretches of sandy beach, along coastal cliffs, and tucked into the woods on a quiet inner bay. You can find rental homes that are little more than camping cabins and those that are gorgeously appointed homes. No matter what kind of experience you are looking for, you can find it in either town. With that said, I prefer Lubec, both as a place to visit and a place to live. You can you easily day trip to Roque Bluffs State Park and the Schoodic section of Acadia National Park, and you are much closer to many other parks in the region (Quoddy Head State Park and Lighhouse, Cobscook Bay State Park, Roosevelt-Campobello International Park, St. Croix Island International Park) and many hiking trails and nature preserves. You can also hop aboard the ferry for a day trip to St. Andrews, New Brunswick, or take the water taxi over to Eastport for the day. You will be happy with either choice, but I urge you to look more closely at Lubec. We have a great web site,


I%26#39;m sorry if I offended you in any way, I love downeast and way downeast. I have traveled the areas you mentioned at least 3 times, as a 1 or 2 overnight tourist in many of the places. The St. Croix River valley has a beauty that I wasn%26#39;t expecting,but fell in love with. So again, I apologize.

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