I am looking to rent a room or a rental unit of some form that has an outdoor jacuzzi on a deck in a private setting in Maine somewhere.
Ideally it would be near the ocean, or overlooking some other body of water, but the jacuzzi, outdoors, in a private setting is the must-have feature I%26#39;m looking for.
Any suggestions??
Private Outdoor Jacuzzi on Deck Weekend Rental??
I%26#39;m just bumping this back up to see if any one knows of a place like this.
Private Outdoor Jacuzzi on Deck Weekend Rental??
Never been but love the area -
any others?
that log cabin one is closed for the winter.
My husband and I spent our wedding night at the Flume Cottage (owned by the Samoset Resort) in Rockport. It is VERY expensive and that%26#39;s why we spent only one night but it is amazing. It sits on the water of Penobscot Bay on a jutting outcrop that almost makes its own little island at high tide. We were greeted by a welcome basket full of goodies and loved everything about the place...especially the jacuzzi on the deck. VERY private...unless a lobsterman comes to haul his traps in the morning! (Actually, maybe that%26#39;s why there are so many traps nearby!)
The cottage is available from May through October.
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