Sunday, April 15, 2012

Ski Hire & Lift Pass

Hi I%26#39;m going to be staying in Bethel 4/5 days at the start of Feb 09%26#39;. I%26#39;ll be looking to ski probably Monday to Thursday. Anybody have advice on ski hire and getting lift passes

Ski Hire %26amp; Lift Pass

Where are you staying? Some places offer ski and stay packages, which include tickets and rentals. Otherwise, you can rent at the mountain, or if you%26#39;re going to Sunday River, there are places on the access road as well.

Ski Hire %26amp; Lift Pass

We are staying in the Bethel Inn %26amp; Country Club, in the apartments not the hotel. We are get a great deal via friend with a time share. Are you better to hire in the town or on the mountain? On lift passes is it simply a matter of buying at the mountain for whatever days I need or can some money be saved on line ?

i haven%26#39;t rented in a long time, so am not sure if there%26#39;s a price advantage on or off mountain.

Here%26#39;s some info from Sunday River about purchasing tickets online. It appears there is a discount.


You may want to try the ski safari extras website here in the UK. I just booked a 6 day ticket including perfect turn lessons for £131. You can specify the amount of days you need. I%26#39;m sure it%26#39;ll work out cheaper for you this way. They issue you with a pre-paid voucher to exchange for your passes at South Ridge, Sunday River.

Great tip on the ski hire - I saved over €150 on 5 days lift pass and ski hire

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