Thursday, April 19, 2012

Thus endeth the season, pretty much...

We now are into the last week of October. Many of the B%26amp;B are closed or are closing down. The lobster pounds are pretty much done for the season. Because of the inclement weather (rain, cold, high winds), the last few cruise ships have not stayed around to try to disembark visitors. As a result, some of the shops and restaurants have closed down. Today was the last day for the Opera House Internet Cafe---no more chocolate croissants for a while. Some of the restaurants that will remain open thorugh the winter will be closing for short breaks in early November. People are starting to say to one another: ';Have a good winter.';

Barring an early substantial snowfall, the park will remain completely open for another two weeks or so. We have had rain and strong winds (gusts to 60 mph)today which have stripped some of the trees of their leaves. What autumn color remains is of varying shades of deep gold and russet. It is a peaceful time (once the wind stops blowing).

On behalf of many of the locals who throughout the season have provided their opinions and expertise, thank you to all who have come and, for a short time, appreciated what we know and appreciate throughout the year.

For those who want to keep up with things here, or want to revisit the area vicariously, I have started a blog at %26lt;; and my collected photos are at %26lt;;

Many of us will be here throughout the winter to talk with you about the island and help you plan your next visit.

Have a good winter.


Thus endeth the season, pretty much...

It%26#39;s funny how the end of the season makes you happy and sad at the same time. We%26#39;re looking forward to a break, but missing the hustle and bustle a little already.

Bar Harbor is also a great place to visit in the winter. There are still many B%26amp;B%26#39;s and restaurants open. Some B%26amp;B%26#39;s include Aysgarth Station, Canterbury Cottage, Graycote Inn and the Saltair Inn. Go to to check their winter schedules.

Open restaurants include Geddy%26#39;s, Town Hill Bistro, Guiness and Porcelli%26#39;s, and Jack Russell%26#39;s. Havana, McKay%26#39;s, and Galyn%26#39;s also are open for most of the winter.

Come and walk the carriage roads, cross country ski or on snow shoes. Or just come to sit and relax by a warm cozy fire and enjoy this beautiful area when you have it all to yourself.

Thanks for a great summer everyone.

Thus endeth the season, pretty much...

I have been to Maine, including Bar Harbor and Acadia, in Summer and Autumn and loved it. I have come to the conclusion that I need to experience Winter there. It is on my to do list to cross country ski Acadia sometime in the near future and to snowmobile in Millenocket. Stay warm.

Hey mean it%26#39;s now safe for those of us from ';off island'; Maine to come down without fear of getting trampled by the ';tourons';?

Just kidding -- our economy would never survive without them.

Thanks to you, and the other ';on-islanders'; for giving folks looking for MDI and ANP advice more up to date and detailed information than those of us from other parts of the state can do.... And your blog and photos sound like a great idea!

Oops -- time to go stack a little more firewood...

Stay warm this winter...

Thank you. Yes, it%26#39;s pretty quiet here now. The storm did not take all of the leaves (oaks give up their leaves grudgingly) and now the tamaracks have turned golden.

I was remiss in my initial post in not thanking all of those who visited and either contributed reports of their experiences or hung around the forum to help others with their advice.

To toelle---

They groom several of the carriage roads for XC skiing.

CW and others,

I read with sadness the posts of the end of the season, knowing I did not get to spend all the time I wanted to in Maine this year. I want to thank all those who did make my time there very warm and friendly as always.

I have all my reservations (3 weeks) already made for 2009. Hoping I get to fly back into Bangor and not Portland, and no offense to anyone who loves Portland.

Cw, I waited at the Opera House til 10:30 and gave up. Maybe next year the timing will be better.

Hope everyone has a safe and warm winter on MDI. Enjoy the snow!!!

cwvoight: Do they groom for both traditional and skate skiing? I%26#39;ve never thought of skiing Acadia, but think it would be fun!

cw: Sorry for the wrong spelling!

I really don%26#39;t know. I have seen people using both styles on the carriage roads. I suspect that most use the ski rather than the skate mode.

CW, Thanks for the info on the groomed carriage trails for XC skiing. Again, have a good winter and stay warm.

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