Sunday, April 15, 2012

Bufflehead Cove Inn

Does anyone know if there is a problem @ the Bufflehead Cove Inn - I%26#39;ve sent numerous emails and have tried to call a number of times; but have not managed to get in touch?

I%26#39;m wondering if they are closed for Winter?

Any help would be gratefully accepted.

Thanks in advance

Bufflehead Cove Inn

I am not familiar with the area, let alone that specific inn, but it is not unusual for innkeepers to take this time of year for their own vacations before coming back to begin preparations for the coming season. Don%26#39;t give up hope.

Bufflehead Cove Inn

My guess is the same as the previous poster. Many Inn Keepers leave for some time in the winter and do their own vacationing. I was looking at the web-site and noticing that all the rooms show up as ';occupied'; in Jan and Feb and March. This leads me to believe that they are actually closed... there is no way they are fully booked this time of year.I am sure they will catch back up with you, when they return...particularly if you have left them a message.

Best to you.

Thank you both.

As I say, I have emailed - but got no %26#39;out of office%26#39; style reply - so no suggestion that my mail won%26#39;t be dealt with promptly, and when I called there was no message to suggest that I wouldn%26#39;t get a reply ... so I guess I%26#39;m a little dissapointed as I really liked the look of the %26#39;Curran House%26#39; property - which happens not to be available to book online (unlike the standard rooms) - but I need to be sure I have somewhere, as I%26#39;m travelling with my parents, so would like to make sure that we have something nice for them (and need to consider the costs too - hence this would work well for us) ....

I guess I%26#39;ll have to keep looking.


still calling .... but no reply to my voicemail / call and emails ....

if anyone local can assist it would be appreciated ....


Thanks for your help - they were away!!!

All sorted now.

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