Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Lodging close to Damariscotta

We%26#39;re looking at real estate in the area and need someplace to stay for about 5 nights. Doesn%26#39;t have to be fancy, just clean and economical ($100 or less a night). Any suggestions?

Boothbay Harbor is just a tad too far since all we need to see and do is around Damariscotta, Bremen and Bristol.

Thanks in advance.

Lodging close to Damariscotta

Although I haven%26#39;t stayed there, the Newcastle Inn looks nice from outside. (Newcastle is a twin town to Damariscotta.)

Lodging close to Damariscotta

Just found their rates on their website. They%26#39;re higher than what you asked for, although there%26#39;s quite a bit of availability, so the price might be negotiable.

Thanks for the suggestion, but in the meantime our friend offered his cottage in Round Pound, so we%26#39;re all set.

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