Saturday, April 21, 2012

Lobster Rolls on Route 1


I%26#39;ll be driving from Portland, ME to Bar Harbor this Thursday morning (10/16) and was wondering if folks had suggestions for a place to stop for a lobster roll along the way?

I%26#39;d been very excited to try Red%26#39;s Eats and thought it%26#39;d be the perfect way to kick off my first trip to Maine. Unfortunately though, they%26#39;re closing for the season tonight.

Any suggestions folks have would be greatly appreciated. In case there are no other standout places worth a stop on Route 1, if folks have a suggestion for the best place to get a roll in Bar Harbor for lunch, that%26#39;d be appreciated as well.

Lobster Rolls on Route 1

Angler%26#39;s Seafood House in Searsport, just north of Belfast. Or Just Barb%26#39;s a bit further north in Stockton Springs.

Lobster Rolls on Route 1

Nice, thanks for the tip!

Just Barb%26#39;s gets some good reviews online and, since I%26#39;m leaving Portland in the AM, is better distanced for catching a lunch on the way to Bar Harbor. Looks like I%26#39;ll give it a shot.

When you get to Bar Harbor, the Lobster Claw take out place on West Street has great lobster rolls. Also, we%26#39;ve heard that the Lighthouse Restaurant in Seal Harbor has great lobster rolls.

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