Saturday, April 21, 2012

Where to Stay for Thanksgiving

My fiance and I want to have dinner at the White Barn Inn for Thanksgiving, but we are not sure if we should stay there or the Breakwater Inn...or someplace else. I have seen mixed reviews on the White Barn Inn, I don%26#39;t mind spending the money if it is truly worth it. Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.

Where to Stay for Thanksgiving

We%26#39;ve stayed at the WBI about 10 times over the years, but I think it%26#39;s too pricey now. The rooms inside the main building are small. We like May%26#39;s Annex much better. They have ';sister'; Inn%26#39;s that we like just as well, that we%26#39;ve been staying in the last 6 stays, and still not inexpensive. Same excellent service. Our favorites are the Beach House or the Breakwater Inn.

We%26#39;re going to have dinner at the WBI for the 16th time this weekend.

Where to Stay for Thanksgiving

There are so many great inns in Kennebunkport. Try looking at or (the chamber of commerce site) for several of the very nice historic inns.

not worth the money...I would recommend either the Kennebunkport Inn - right in Dock Square or one of the smaller bed and breakfast inns like the Capt Jefferds or Maine Stay Inn...

My family and I had Thanksgiving Dinner at the Kennebunkport Inn a few years ago and it was wonderful...I think the WB Inn is very overpriced and not good value for what they charge....but it is your money not mine!

  • becca
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