Saturday, April 21, 2012

romantic getaway - place to stay?

hi guys, never been to Maine before and wondering where I should stay in Portland?? If you have any ideas of what we could do that would be great to. thanks!

romantic getaway - place to stay?

Hi lovinglife...

I%26#39;ve never stayed the night in Portland since I live in the Boothbay Harbor area. So I can%26#39;t recommend anyplace. However you might want to check out Christina Tree%26#39;s book - Maine: An Explorer%26#39;s Guide. This is an excellent guide that I%26#39;ve used forever. She gives detailed descriptions on recommendations from budget accomodations to top of the line. All are nice and well kept. In addition she offers advice on where to dine, shop and sitesee.

Also check out which is basically the Chambers/Visitor%26#39;s Bureau site. It%26#39;ll have everything you%26#39;ve ever wanted to know about visiting Maine.

One suggestion I can make re: accomodations (though its not directly in Portland but only 10 minutes away) is the Inn by the Sea. Its a beautiful property, right on the beach with a great/romantic restaurant and pretty grounds. Google and check out their site and see what you think. I%26#39;ve stayed there a couple of times and loved it.

Good luck and hopefully you%26#39;ll get more responses.


romantic getaway - place to stay?

Take a peek at the Pomegranate Inn in Portland. It looks wonderful!

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